Written By: Dan Harr
Okay, let me clarify that… when I say “higher” level, I mean it literally. The pot humor is even funnier than Greenbud’s first CD (which, itself, was exceptionally humorous) while the quality of the lyrics and music remain – well – high. Along with original melodies, the Chief effectively parodies several top artists on this CD including Alan Jackson (“It’s 4:20 Somewhere”) and Brad Paisley (“I’m Gonna Get High”). The lyrics are original and unique and the musicianship – on both parodies and originals – is top notch.
Musically, my favorite song on the CD is “Toke and Bounce.” I really like the chorus progressions. Lyrically, “I Like To Smoke Weed” is my favorite. The irony of it is in the comparisons of alcohol effects versus those of marijuana, and how alcohol is legal whereas pot isn’t. Chief Greenbud sends a message and there are many who should listen to what he has to say – whether you like pot or not, it makes sense. Another "positive pot message" is found in "Why Can't We All Get A Bong."
Cheech and Chong watch out! You definitely have competition in the marijuana humor category, and it’s being performed by an award winning artist. That’s right. The Chief has three GMMA’s under his belt as well as a High Times Doobie Award nomination, and in June 2009 won four American Marijuana Music Awards. Okay, so they’re not Grammys, but just wait – word has it he’s been entered for nomination consideration in the comedy category so who knows what’s up next for this artist.
As with the first album, I recommend this one to anyone who likes comedy and everyone who likes niche marijuana humor. I can’t wait for Chief Greenbud #3…